Tuesday, February 13

This makes me sound like a romantic.

I love being single, its how I have been most of my adult life. But today I had a thought. When things are really tough and difficult, it sure would be nice to have someone to give you that reassuring kiss on your forehead or neck. To sit next to you, when reality is in front of you, with an arm around your shoulders or waist as you watch the horrifying scene unfold before you. To give you a reassuring smile at the end of that long day, bring you tea and curl up on the couch with you. To create a little bubble with just the 2 of you in it, a place where time doesn’t matter and both of you are untouchable. When the world disappoints you, you look at this person and know that things aren’t that bad and neither are people, they give you faith and hope. They can look at you when you have been crying for 5 hours straight, are red and blotchy and sniffly, and still say you are beautiful.
It’s great to have that person when things are good, but it’s when things are bad and they aren’t there, that one realizes that perhaps one is slightly lonely.

It is wonderful to have this person.
It is also wonderful to be that person….


Gremlin said...

To Love and to be Loved...
I think thats life, Yeah sure there are 100's of happy single ppl in the world, nut then are they realy happy?? Every one needs that one special person. I know I do...

Well yeah I'm happy as a single freak walking the streets of earth, but I do get day's that I really just want that special one and cant be happy with out.

Anonymous said...

Cuteness my darling......
Its always awesome to have that person, and there are times when you miss them more than anything....But at times like these, its when we need to realise that just because we dont have a partner doesnt mean we have to be lonely...
...Enter YOUR FRIENDS!!!!!
The only thing they cant offer you that a partner can is sex...and even thats debatable!
You awesome angel - and you dont need a man to prove that to you!

Jam said...

Cuteness - too true... but, keep in mind being single is a million times better than being in a relationship with someone who doesn't offer all these things.

Phlippy said...

Very well written and insightful, but never settle for second best Cuteness because of that lonliness, that is the most dangerous part.

lordwiggly said...

Oooh Cuteness pick me! Pick meeee!!!!! //hand up in air like preschooler needing to pee

Her Infinite Cuteness said...

Well i aint about to settle!!! hence the singledom....

Tit my babe i know and thats why i love you too much my babe.

Her Infinite Cuteness said...

wiggles mwah