Friday, February 9

Dumb as I look.

I was just sitting there, my chin resting my hand, my mind elsewhere and totally unaware of a conversation that was happening near me. Suddenly I was rudely brought back to my body by a Tom Cruise look-alike:

TC look-alike: What has made you so angry?

Cuteness: Absolutely nothing, I'm sitting here deep in thought.

TC look-alike: Well you look really pissed off. My mate and I were talking about it and we were even nervous to come over here…

Cuteness: Well I’m not remotely pissed off, I’m all good.

Then Tom Cruise look-alike saw this as an opportunity to make himself comfortable and chat away to me. Not about world peace or the war in Iraq or his views on the death penalty (not that this would be all that appropriate) but how he prefers Ashley Simpson’s music to Jessica’s. I mean REALLY! You have never spoken to a person before and that’s was he goes with? Anyway I zone out, smiling and nodding occasionally until he says something that made me want to physically attack him! He asked if he was going too fast for me and if I was battling to keep up?! He then proceeding to REPEAT everything he said. OMG. Anyway I figured that seen as he called me stupid basically, I no longer needed to be polite and took away the smiling and nodding and replaced it with God I’m bored out of my mind! Then he says something else that made snap back into the situation….

TC look-alike: You look bored.

Cuteness: mmmmm

TC look-alike: You know what? You have a really unfortunate way of presenting yourself.

It took every ounce of self-control in my body not to ram his head into the table. I am even speechless now thinking about it.

Cuteness: This was the face I was born with I’m afraid.
(Get up and walk away with loads of attitude)

Unfortunately this is not an isolated incident. People have often just assumed I’m dumb. (I’m not going to discuss apparent unpleasant disposition that TC look-alike thought I had) Often when people are explaining things to me, I understand exactly what they are saying, on the same page. I can generally grasp most concepts quite quickly and easily, it’s not after all, rocket science. (I wonder if rocket science is that hard, everyone assumes it is but has anyone every spoken to a rocket scientist about rocket science?) Obviously I have a very stupid face because people will then feel the need to explain it to me, which is damn boring! So I get bored and zone out and then really lose track of what they are saying and not understand what is going on, have to ask them to explain, thus perpetuating the belief that I am a dumbass. I mean I do say some really stupid things but you know, Einstein failed maths at school. We all have dumb moments.
What was interesting was when I was blonde. Somehow people are more tolerant of blondes being a little less efficient, a little more flustered in a busy spell, and perhaps more patient when you need to ask the TRAINED PROFESSIONAL something you really need 4 years of study to know about. In fact it got so bad that I even started playing it up because if you don’t, you are essentially farting against the wind. (Not to say I am an inefficient worker, I’m exceptional!) But as soon as I ventured closer to my natural colour, this was no longer acceptable. In fact, people thought I WAS the trained professional. No wonder people think blondes have more fun, very little is expected of them!

They say that people look smarter in glasses, perhaps I should start wearing mine all the time….

Remain infinitely Cute

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.