Monday, February 12


Alex has asked me to place a public apology.
She is sorry for any inappropriate and offensive behaviour on Saturday. It was a game of "I have Never" that caused her final downfall. Despite breaking glasses and struggling to keep liquid inside a glass, she didn't feel the need to perhaps take it easy and embark on the "I have never trail".
Apologies for insults, evil looks, sexual harassment (she cant remember any but she knows herself very well) and all round embarrassing singing and dancing behaviour. The LC set into about 10 minutes ago. (she is a little slow I'm afraid)

She would just like to add that despite this apology (which was somewhat coaxed) she still knows that she is STILL ABSOLUTELY BLOODY FABULOUS and few people come even close to her exceptional partying skills and ability to throw name. (which she is very proud of!)


Phlippy said...

I have no idea why apology is necessary, but you are definitely fabulous.

Anonymous said...

Very Very Fabulous Luv!!!!!!!!
You got nothing to worry about - we all have those moments - gotta love the personalities that come out after a couple of Tequillas!!!! That shit has unbelievable powers

SaM-GiRL said...

Sounds like a great person to hang around with when your wasted!! teehee!

lordwiggly said...

I wanna meet this Alex! I saw the photos and she is super-hot!!!

Anonymous said...

Photos? what photos?!?!?!?!?!

thanks phlips im sure she appreciates it...

Sam-girl o yeah she is!

Her Infinite Cuteness said...