Wednesday, February 21

Migraines and School boys.

There are two things that hard to beat discomfort wise… Migraines and being the only young female in an all boys school at break time.

Now today Mamma Cuteness has a migraine and so The Don and I headed off to fetch her from school (she teaches Matric English). After 20kms there I had seen the end of my life nearly 27 times, I decided I was never never never driving with the Don again. It was break time and I looked at the little primary school boys playing rugby and being little boys, I smiled, thinking, some of you are going to grow up to be such assholes! The older boys were naturally checking me out, I mean they only human.
I walked to Mamma Cuteness’s office and passed a group of Matric boys. They all stood up and greeted me with a “Hello ma’am.” For 2 reasons, firstly they stood up?!?!?!? What is that, I was blown away by such chivalry as I never really see it! And secondly they called me ma’am?!?!?! O my greatness! Do I really look old enough to be a ma’am??? Complete panic on my side.

I gather up Mamma Cuteness and her various belongings. She hands me the keys to her 4th child! The ma’am calling was momentarily forgotten. I get to drive the HOT MAMMA CUTENESS CAR! This is possibly the most beautiful piece of machinery. I relished in driving the dark blue SLK 350 and felt thing that I cannot mention out loud. Hearing the car engine resonate in the garage made me sigh ever so deeply. Some tension had built up on the drive home that wasn’t good for a single girl in the middle of the day!

Taking a moment to pull myself towards myself before going inside, I remembered the ma’am comment and rushed upstairs. Applied some ant-wrinkle cream and checked out my breasteses, yes they were still as firm as an 18 year olds!

Remain Infinitely Cute


Nosjunkie said...

This was a really cute story but hey I suppose that was the whole idee
Damn I wish I was blessed with boobs

Anonymous said...

well nosjunkie, mine are by no means spectacular...

Urk said...

me too.

Her Infinite Cuteness said...

hahaha urk