Monday, March 19

No Prada for Sweet Pea

I watched The Devil Wears Prada two weekends ago and whilst it was a very enjoyable movie and the shoes were just SOOOOO beautiful and made me so jealous, it made me realise just how big office politics are. Now Meryl Streep was just a flat out cow but it got me thinking about my office politics even more than I already do.

Now its no news that I don't find my job particularly enthralling or stimulating but let me tell you the politics in this office are MIND BLOWING. You not only have the big big boss who occasionally sleeps with the boss one below her in the royalty rank order (and he is married with child number 2 on the way to boot), the condom wrappers that are found under the couches in the hallways, and the occasional hook up of people at the bar on a Friday evening. The office hook up politics aside, and I definitely live by the "DO NOT DIP YOUR PEN IN COMPANY INK its just plain stupid" motto, the other everyday politics makes Days of Our Lives and The Bold and the Beautiful look like an episode of Teletubbies. It is unbelievable!!!

The company I work for is made up of various brands and they all merged 2 years back under one name which is the company I work for. So this happened 2 years back yet there is still the big US versus THEM mentality. Enter Sweet Pea in her new position which involves doing product training amongst the various brands. Oh my goodness gracious me. If I could tell you the "Who the hell do you think you are" looks that I get and the "What the hell do you know at your age" attitude it makes my head spin. Now I am there for THEM, I provide training for THEIR benefit and am essentially there for anything THEY could possibly need when it comes to training. Now I don't know about you but when I started working I would have loved it if someone was there for me so that I could learn about the stuff that I am now coincidentally training them about. So I now have this GIGANTIC brick wall that I now have to try and forge me way through. I have adopted the keep it simple stupid attitude now and it seems to be getting slightly better, the last time I was up there I actually got a friendly hello. Its a start, not expecting much more in the near future though.

Now I have been transferred over to a different manager who is also my General Manager, who is also a female. Now let me just try and explain the fact that we have a CEO and a General Manager that are both female, does not sit well in my previous managers eyes. Now my previous manager is very male and very RIGHT all the time and he just cant seem to let go of managing my role. Enter office politics number 1093, he has an issue with my General Manager and in my current person I report to directly to her, so he interferes all the time and thus traps me into a sexist, political, very uncomfortable triangle. Now don't get me wrong I don't mind him at all, he has always been nice to me but he is a bit of a pot stirrer and thus gets me shoved right into the middle of a battle field with no armour or weapons. I am at the end of the day far too trusting and naive so I don't see it coming at all!

Now as much as i would love to stand up and say "Listen bud BACK OFF and let me get on with my job in peace!!!!", sigh......I cant do that. So here I sit in World War III, in the middle of the battle field, alone in a trench and unfortunately with no Prada shoes at all!

Have a PMS/CBS/Office Politic free day now

Sweet Pea

P.S. Rodger is still alive and well, almost a month later!!!!!

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