Monday, March 26

Happily Ever After my ASS

Why is it that the people who deserve the most in life never actually get it? And the people who don't deserve it...get it ALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Possibly the most selfish, useless person I know in this world gets everything handed to them on a silver platter...whilst another person close to me gets nothing. The latter has to work her ass off to make ends meet...and never complains doing it. Still she finds time to be there for everyone else in her life. She never puts herself first...But come the time that she truly needs help, the one person who is able to give it to her refuses, because she apparently 'ruined his life' a lifetime ago...

I struggle to see how she ruined his life when he is sitting pretty financially and emotionally, and is happy in his new life. The new life happens to be with the above mentioned selfish, lazy bitch which is where my dilemma comes in...

How do I continue to show respect to this person when all she does is think about herself and how she can keep up with the Jones' that are her friends? Sincerity and genuineness certainly don't feature in her vocabulary. But man is she good at faking it...

So, in a nutshell, you have a man...let's call him Bob. You have a lazy, useless excuse for a decent woman...we will call her Slob. And you have a wonderful, caring, loving woman...let's call her Love (please excuse creative nightmare on the names).

Bob and Love end their relationship. Bob continues to punish Love for years on end...for what? I wish i knew...Bob then finds Slob and convinces himself that he is happy with her and together they make Love (doubtful :))...make Love - the person - and everyone else close to her's life a living hell...

Marriage = wonderful
Divorce = a f*cking disaster
Divorce + Slob + a very changed Bob = quarter life crisis for myself !!!!!!!!!!!!

I have had my moan...Next post will be full of fun and laughter I promise - just have to get drunk and make another ass out of myself first :)

Have a good week all...
Yours in Monday/Divorce Blues


SaM-GiRL said...

Thats it hun! Just let it ALL out! lol. As ladies, we have the right to bitch and moan 24/7... its a privilege.

Anonymous said...

ha ha....
You right sam-girl....a privilege that I love!!!!

Anonymous said...

Tit, Funny this post came up, I saw slob yesterday driving along in her fancy new Mercedies.... Biyatch!!!!