Friday, January 26

How Embarrassing...

So Wednesday the View kids headed off to Frankie’s Banana for a sneaky drinky-poo. Doc threw some riddles at us, some pretty decent, most of them annoying. We chatted about up-coming events and various happenings in our lives. Nothing too earth-shattering. The odd man trouble, work troubles and more freaken riddles!! Seen as it was a school night we had only a couple of drinks. When it was home time it took me a bit longer to get my sh*t together so the others were waiting outside to say cheers. As I walked towards the door the two 14-year-old barmen (ok gross exaggeration, they might have been 15) bid me farewell. I did my best “oh dear not more male attention, does it ever stop?!” turn and said cheers. On the rotation back my oh so “Im used to this, please hold the paparazzi back” turn was rudely interrupted by a tile sticking out ever ever ever ever so slightly and I lunged forward (no not that type of lunge). Now I didn’t land flat on my face, thank god, but the damage was done! HOW EMBARRASSING! I had a little giggle and walked out radiating nuclear heat from my face. Any colour you can think of???

Remain Infinitely Cute


Phlippy said...

ROFL - the floor was deceptively flat

Anonymous said...

Love the paparazzi comment haha...

Her Infinite Cuteness said...

They are such a pain really, was chatting to Cameron the other day and she has also had enough...

phlip most floors are it seems

Anonymous said...

I hired that guy that tackled Paddy o'Brian in that rugby game. He sorts them out 1time!