Tuesday, January 30

Gorillas in the Pit

What is it about men at gyms? The last two weeks I have currently changed my usual morning work outs to the evenings, having major issues waking up at 4 in the morning. Anyway I have started going to gym in the evenings after work and it seems like this time of day attracts a whole new kind of male species all together. Not only does it take you 10 minutes just to find a parking, you have to queue to use any equipment but the men are pigs. Planet Fitness are currently building a women's only section and I now understand why. I used to have a huge aversion to working out in the gorilla pit upstairs but lately I have reached the point where I actually don't really care if I am working out next to some mammoth beast of a man pushing ridiculously heavy weights while I sit there using my 5 kilo weights. However, that being said last week the aversion came back! Since when is a sweaty girl doing leg presses good looking? Do men now go to gym in the hopes of picking up a random chick?

One evening last week I was doing my usual routine but I was wearing a shirt that had my nickname on the back. Big big BIG mistake!!! This just opens the door for conversation. The best of the lot, "so if you have your nickname on the back why don't you just spare us the trouble and put your phone number underneath it". OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!, the thoughts of smacking the stupid smirk off this gorillas face with my weights were luckily held back with forced restrain on my behalf. This made me realise how much I am going to love this ladies' only gym and that I seem to have developed a mild case of rage, which is new in my life!

Another incident last week, although highly embarrassing for me, made me realise that these guys know no boundaries to their hormonal desperation. There I was using the cable push down machine and I bent over to change the weight and the little metal bar came hurtling down and knocked me on the head. Now very embarrassed, I hoped that no one had seen this, but no no another 3 male behemoths (did I mention that they hunt in packs too?) are suddenly standing around me. One with hand on my head and the others asking if "I hurt my pretty little head". I mean please give me a break, I am sweating and have just bruised my little gymming ego badly and have a bump on my head, the last thing I want is to be chatted up right now. My response was short and sweet "I'm fine thank you" and put my ipod back on full blast.

The last week and a bit of evening gymming has therefore provided me the insight into the following:
1) Ipod is an essential essential item whilst gymming
2) No name displaying clothing
3) The Ladies' only section is not as ridiculous as it seems
4) Testosterone, steroid loaded behemoths have over taken my number 1 spot on my pet hate list (and they have over taken taxis!!!!)
5) Just get up early in the morning

Have a PMS/CBS free day now

Sweet Pea


Phlippy said...

You should try training at Melrose Arch, dude are far more chilled there, and yes, half the male population there is gay. the other half - straight - go there to train and not pick up women. They too are "iPod and concentrate" enthusiasts. One day I'll take you with me for a laugh Sweet Pea

Anonymous said...

Sweet Pea....
That is why I have resorted to dealing with the fact that BMI will always tell me I am 9kgs over my ideal weight.....
And if the day comes when I decide that weight loss is a good idea, I will just stop eating!!!!!!!!!
Many options other than gym love...many options!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ah the joys of gym and weight loss Tit!!!!! Some of us however enjoy our food too much to give it up completely. So gym for me with the behemoths I'm afraid and I'm afraid Phlippy that Melrose Arch doesn't really tickle my fancy ;) Will just make do until the ladies' only gym opens.

Anonymous said...

Business Opportunity.........
LADIES ONLY GYM!!!!!!!!!!!! Only males present are uber hot trainers whose job it is to wait around until a FEMALE propositions HIM - and then he has to oblige :) :) :)
We will make millions - think soccer moms with husbands who have past their sell by dates and need a good shag!

Anonymous said...

Tit I like your work! Think of the selection process alone ;)

Phlippy said...

LoL Tit - the exact same thing was going through my mind. I will be a qualified trainer in a few months :-)

Her Infinite Cuteness said...

Well I have certainly missed some very interesting things today. Nice work Sweet Pea... Tit loving your theories on weightloss, seriously who exercises these days. starve and a good plastic surgeon are the way forward!!!!

SaM-GiRL said...

LOL......guys are serioussly from another planet! The whole point of going to the gym is so they can work on their appearance and look better, so they dont get turned down in future, but yet, they still go there to get turned down. so stupid!

Phlippy said...

I apologise on behalf of all gym gng men. I cannot stop their idiocy however - but that is for you ladies to do. Kisses

Her Infinite Cuteness said...

Sweet Pea love, I guess the men just cant help themselves. I mean look at you! ;)

lordwiggly said...

Sam Girl I totally disagree. Not all men as ridiculously huge and muscular as myself go to gym to work on our appearance for the ladies. We go there to punish the weights for being so pitiful and light, to try to break those metal machines with our manly superiority. Its not our fault that all men want to be us and that all ladies want to be us too. And I can say that with all confidence because I am HUGE, all 67 kilograms worth of me ;o)

ANd the girls that are in the weight section just beg us to hit on them, I can see it in those "Dont even look at me I am listening to Enya REALLY REALLY loud" eyes.

Then again, maybe I should read that "How to make friends and influence people" book again??

Anonymous said...

It's called "seizing the opportunity."

If done correctly, there's never a bad time to spade a lady. The Gorrilla's just lack the "touch."
If we can do it a bottle of cane down, we can do it gym!