Tuesday, January 30


Well Sweet Pea discussed the ins and outs of CBS, I thought I would have a look the opposite end of the spectrum. This would be FNS or Florence Nightingale Syndrome. So what is it about sick men that make women immediately feel the need to nurse them?!?!?!
For example, myself. Now I am not the most patient of people nor take much interest in the pathetic and incapable.
Recently a mate of mine was in a motor-cross accident and I went by to see him as he had crushed his right leg. He now has a right leg that is mostly titanium. Anyway I went to see him and I took sweets, choccies and a couple of drinks. Upon my arrival I unpacked all these away for him, got him a fresh glass of water, with ice, and we sat and chatted. I then took him to work so he could get some things to do while sitting at home. Then off to woolies to do some grocery shopping. I carried his groceries AND work stuff up the stairs for him, packed it all away and washed his few dishes that were in the sink. I didn't fluff his pillow. The worst of it was that that day I had decided to wear a white dress!! I mean REALLY?!?! Who was this woman?! Opening car doors and putting crutches in the back seat, taking the stairs one at a time and slowly, smiling sweetly and looking at him with concern every time he looked remotely uncomfy...

Are woman innately nurturing? Because that is not something I would have said I was. Or do we like the idea of having the upper hand on men in terms of physical strength, even if it is temporary? All girls like to think of their dads as invincible and always battle when they appear not to be, so why is this not the same with all men?

One thing is for sure, I am no Lady with the Lamp. In fact, I feel like breaking something myself, just so he can repay the favour.

Remain Infinitely Cute


lordwiggly said...

OMG having Her Infinite as a personal nurse, I would be willing to replace my leg with Titanium too ;o)

Anonymous said...

I'm afraid it is part of our genetic make-up. Compasion and sympathy just seem to happen without thinking. Titanium leg man is a very lucky fellow to have you as his nurse maid ;)

Her Infinite Cuteness said...

Hmmmm SP im not sure he would agree... O well i never knew i had it in me.

Her Infinite Cuteness said...

Wiggles love u 2 sweet, you can stay ;)