Sunday, January 28

Caution: All common sense gone

Just saw the most hysterical thing! An advert for some car. The family is viewing fish under the sea. As you see the huge 4x4 driving out the sea, a little warning pops up at the bottom "Do not attempt to drive your car under water" LOL.... Clearly all common sense has vanished! Now I just have to remember that my coffee is hot so not to burn myself while my dog dries in the microwave. Thank goodness for warnings I might do something stupid one day...


Phlippy said...

Bwahahahahaha - love it. Some people are actually stupid enough to do this tho Cuteness. Sadly it is the Americans predominantly, and they have caused this culture of stupid warnings to be placed on every innovative, 'out-the-box' advert... SIGH

Her Infinite Cuteness said...

Very true... Now if you will excuse me i have to go fish my car out the pool