Tuesday, June 5

How to save a life.

How to save a life.

There are people in your life you laugh and cry with. You can have huge amounts of fun with them, you feel at ease with them. They know you well and they know your faults, they accept you despite them. They know your moods and respect them. They are supportive of you and you are of them.

These are the people that make you grow.

Then there are people in your life that don’t need to see tears to know that you are crying. They know when you have cried yourself to sleep just by looking at you. They know your nervous laugh, your fake laugh, your “I’m ok” laugh and your real laugh. They can tell what you thinking or what you want just by subtle changes in your facial expressions. They know the songs you love, ones you will like, the ones you hate and the ones with very bad memories. They know what you need and when you are heading for a crash landing before you do. They know when you have done something completely uncharacteristic and this causes them to worry. They consider the smallest thing that might make you uncomfortable when most people wouldn’t think about it or even care. Their friendship with you is completely unselfish and yours is the same with them. They are completely honest with you. You do not need to explain or tell them of your problems or feelings because they innately know, understand and care, taking away that feeling of loneliness away with even a simple text that could actually have nothing but a full stop in it or an x. They consider you at all times, knowing what you would feel in just about every situation. They know your phobias and fears and no matter how silly, respect them and consider them at all times. You feel safe and secure in their company, a little untouchable bubble of love and loyalty, where all in the bubble are protected and cared for equally. They do not judge you but stand beside you and they hold you up when you are unable to do so yourself.

These are the people that save your life.

Remain Infinitely Cute


ChewTheCud said...

ah Cuteness. We all wanna be those people for you. Sadly all we have is this blog, but anytime you need us you know exactly where to find us ;)

Her Infinite Cuteness said...

Chews love, you are too sweet ;)