Sunday, May 20

A Book of Faces.

On many occasions View United has marveled at the addiction and wonder that is Facebook. People spend hours writing on walls, responding to endless threads and searching for long lost familiar faces. When you log onto Facebook there are a list of pokes, your friends that are thinking about you and want to say hi in a little cheeky way that can only make you smile. You can see what people have been doing, where they have been and who they have seen. You can tell by their status whether they are having a good or bad day. You can see when things have gone from being in an open relationship to its complicated to single or who is in a relationship. You can tell whether they threw some name on the weekend just by reading their friends’ teasing remarks. You can find people who read the same books, like the same music or who have studied or studying the same thing as you. Facebook is a marvelous and unbelievable way to maintain contact with your close friends on a daily basis and find people you knew in a previous life from schools or childhood. It is a hugely addictive networking tool that one is constantly surprised by who is longing in to join the Facebook phenomenon.

One thing that I love about Facebook is you get to see where people are now, who they have become. The girl who would pull your pigtails and be mean to you all through primary school is now a mature individual who is happy reconnect with an old friend, throwing out compliments and interested in what you been up to. The girl who was a “less than average” student is just about to complete her doctorate in some ridiculously hard-to-remember thing, but you know it’s hard and interesting. The girl who was going to get married at 21 and have babies by 23 to her high school boyfriend is now single (and loving it) and traveling the globe and experiencing things most people cant imagine. The school nerd is now sporting platinum blonde hair and a skelt (a skirt so short it should be worn as a belt) with a ciggy hanging from her lips, tequila in her hand and a group of men surrounding this carefree and intoxicating woman. The future CEO is now married with twins, a stay-at-home mom and as happy as anyone could ever be. The girl who was spectacular to look at, although you hardly got to see her because she was constantly surrounded by males is now a plain-Jane (peak-too-sooner) and prefers it that way. The fat-girl is looking phenomenal but remains the same sweet, funny and lovely girl she always was (fat-girl syndrome). The girl who was arrogant but completely magnetic to all those that encountered her, is now, well, just arrogant.
Your close friends seem exactly the same, looking at the changes of the other girls, they haven’t changed at all. Although you realize this is because you, as a group, have changed together.

It is always interesting to see how people are, what they are doing and who they have become after years of not seeing them. But once the reconnection has been made and this is established, you are just glad that they are well, happy (I use these words very tentatively) and that you made a connection with someone who at some stage you spent everyday of your life with, for years.

Remain Infinitely Cute


ChewTheCud said...

You can also do searches. Check for people who are also single but looking for something. Or go through your friend's friends lists. It's amazing how public we've all become ;P (Quick word of advice - don't co-ordinate your blog entries with your facebook status) ;)

Champagne Heathen said...

Gorgeous post. F"^&*ing Facebook. I knew once it sucked me in, I'd never get out. I was right.

It also does reconnect you with people who you did never want to ever know again! But that's what the "reject" button is for!

Her Infinite Cuteness said...

chew, we are indeed too public! good advice that...

champers thanks hun. yes facebook is the devil. unfortunately i couldnt use that reject button on my brother!

Anonymous said...

The term tiki is applied to carved human figures generally, both by the Maori and by other Polynesians. The name possibly has some connection with the myth of Tiki, the first man created by Tane. On the other hand tiki or tikitiki is also a general term for carving in many parts of Polynesia, as, for instance, in Niue, where the Tiki myth is unknown and human figures were not carved. In New Zealand, however, tiki is usually applied to the human figure carved in green stone as a neck ornament. The full name is hei-tiki.

KaB said...

I am totally addicted! I love the fact that they you can get in touch with old mates etc etc. It's also a fantastic way to keep in contact with your close's cheap & easy!

Do you know that it's been around for years but in the good old US of A...circulating through all the unis there...thank fuck it's here finally! The creator was offered like a billion US dollars to sell it, as far as I know he turned it down. IDJIT! He's young too...imagine all that dosh! Bet his friends on facebook are like...we know him...yup, we have his contact details...we drink with him. Bet the jocks are hitting themselves silly against the head (naturally) wishing they befriended the geek who is now hot & rich & famous! Fuck yeah!!!

Her Infinite Cuteness said...

Kabs they always say go for the nerds, they gonna be the catch in the future. they age better, not as much hair loss and they dont the beer-belly quite so soon! always be nice to the little people i tell u, cause they not little forever!