Monday, January 14

Resolutions smootions

When it comes to New Year, I am a bit of a killjoy. I hardly see the point of celebrating the changing of the year, it has about as much meaning as a new month arriving. No one celebrates a happy new month do they? People spend weeks planning and worrying what they are going to do for their new year, will they be dateless on the night, dooming themselves to a year of complete singledom. If by the 10th of December their plans are not set there is huge panic and huge relief once their plans are set. People believe that the way they spend their new year is how they will spend their year. A lot of people have great New Year’s bashes and a really awful year. Others are in bed by 10, wake up in the New Year and life is just dandy.

The general belief is that the year will be better because there is a different number after 2 zeros? Surely if this were the case people would have gotten it right years ago. One never hears someone saying, “Gee I hope 2008 is just like 2007.”? Honestly what is a number going to change? I suppose people see the New Year is a fresh start, a new beginning, a type of tabula rasa. While that is all very romantic and optimistic, it is a very naïve and juvenile way to think. Firstly own personal demons do not expire at the end of the year, neither do your past actions. The truth is people do not forgive and do not forget. One could always move to another country, and re-invent yourself but those personal demons don’t really play the game. And so it is true that only babies have the true tabula rasa, the only clean slate. One’s slate will never be clean past those few precious years of knowing nothing, remembering nothing and not being aware of consequences.

As for resolutions, I am making one resolution this year. Not to make any resolutions. People put huge amounts of pressure on themselves by saying I’m going to do something for 365 days. My god, talk about climbing out the Grand Canyon people! That kind of attitude is doomed to fail. Nothing like setting yourself up to fail to get off on the wrong foot. Try climbing out the swimming pool first.

Remain Infinitely Cute

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