Friday, April 20

The difference between cats and dogs.

Why I like being a woman.

  1. We have an excuse for driving badly.
  2. We can talk our way out of almost any form of trouble.
  3. We get to wear stilettos.
  4. We don’t have to take our shirts off to have our chests admired.
  5. When we wakeup we can still improve what we see in the mirror with makeup and not just hair gel.
  6. We don’t go bald.
  7. We can shave under our arms without being ridiculed.
  8. We don’t show that we are attracted to someone just by standing sideways.
  9. Women’s beauty has launched a thousand ships, what has men’s looks done?
  10. We are the first off sinking ships.
  11. We can wear skirts in extremely hot clubs.
  12. We get jewelry as a present.
  13. We get a diamond ring when we are to get married.
  14. We can kiss our friends and it is seen as a turn.
  15. Our mornings are glorious for different reasons.
  16. We can get away with acting dumb.
  17. We can wear lots and lots of pink, not just have one shirt that some will still mock us for wearing.
  18. Our formal wear varies hugely.
  19. We can get away with being bad at pool.
  20. We pull off long hair better.
  21. We don’t sweat, we glow.
  22. If our arms are skinny and underdeveloped it is not the end of the world.
  23. Our underwear is pretty.
  24. So are our sacred areas.
  25. We can put all our shit in handbags.
  26. Entrance fee is cheaper.
  27. It is easier to get free drinks.
  28. The world doesn’t end when we are sick.
  29. We don't have to take off our pants to show we are cold. And the indication is quite sexy.

    To mention a few.

Why I don't like being a woman...

  1. Handbags
  2. Standing while peeing can be extremely advantageous.
  3. There are always queues at bathrooms.
  4. Man gave us a rib and we pay them back in monthly installments.

    Remain Infinitely Cute


lordwiggly said...

As demonstrated by Plippy last Saturday night, men can wear stilettos too.

Her Infinite Cuteness said...

true, but he cant walk in them

ChewTheCud said...

We can pee standing up and um... I got nothin...

OK - you girls rule! Please be nice to us ;)

Her Infinite Cuteness said...

im always nice!

__ said...

I'm not OK with numbers 16 and 22, but the rest are spot on. It's enough to make me wish for reincarnation as a woman...

But then, men don't get PMS except 2ndhand ;) Plus, we get to invade countries and play with toys that go boom.