iI would like to take this opportunity to introduce Rodger to our little blogging world! Rodger is my new fish, yes I was allowed another one. Another red Siamese Fighter and I am
very pleased to announce that he is over 2 weeks old and still alive and kicking, well finning/swimming around his vase (touch wood, lots and lots of it!!)
Rodger unlike Henry Fish (bless his little soul) has a very lively personality and quite frankly I think is a bit cooked in the head. He swims around his vase like a little speed demon and its great!
So hears hoping, for Rodger and quite frankly my relationships sake, that Rodger will be with us for a very loooooooong and happy fishy existence!
On a completely separate note I feel the urge to also have my little moan considering cuteness and tit both have had their turn! Well its a minor moan really:
MY SKYPE STILL ISN"T WORKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I am now
officially (wish I could underline it 10 times for maximum effect!!) having withdrawal symptoms. This may seem like the most random thing to say and quite selfish considering there are starving children in Africa but in my world its big. I get bored quickly at work and skype was always my saving grace and now the only form of communication I have is google chat and quite frankly it sucks balls, the balls of a male ox in heat (OK that scared me slightly!!!) So now I ask myself why on earth do I rely on this tiny little programme so much when I hate computers? I think the answer to this problem lies in the fact that I think my job may be a tad bit on the boring side. However, it could also be that I have a short attention span!! Hmmmmm??? Or could it be that I become too dependent on things?? Hmmmm....my mind seriously ponders now. Think the fact that I am sitting here in the middle of a "working" day, firstly blogging and secondly trying to come up with some reason for my skype addiction and I have solved my problem....Get a new job!!! Anyone know of anything for me? But for now I am happy to say that I will stand up in a "meeting" and say....
"Hi my name is Sweet Pea and I am a skype addict!"
Another minor rant that I would like to get off my chest while I am at it is this bloody Gautrain!!! Not only has it disrupted roads near where I live it is now where I work too!!!! Think this may be yet another sign that I need to get a new job, hmmmmmm????
OK feel much better now that I have that off my chest. Sorry my girls I couldn't jump onto that anti-male bandwagon, I am definitely one of the fortunate few it would seem! Thanks Whiteboy ;0)
My last few words that I would like to leave with you all is aimed at Double R:
How'd you like them sharks??????
Have a fantastically PMS/CBS free day now
Sweet Pea
im not anti-men or man bashing!
i do feel for poor old rodger. lets hope he makes it past march, if he does, i will have hope for your petcare abilities. then maybe we can try summin a little more complicated. maybe a bird. hmmmmm might be a bit much for u tho. maybe just one of those birdhouses in the garden
Haha. Sandton and Rosebank are gonna be different places for a long while. As my mate said "It's only temporary - just till 2009..." ;)
Never got caught on google chat, my previous work banned gmail, maybe I'll give it a try today.
To fully understand the hilarity of Roger http://phlippysaurus.blogspot.com/2007/01/hysterical.html
Sharks marks - the game was rigged I tell you, how can you expect a bunch of men to play sport with such delicatable honies prancing around in next to nothing.... I mean really how is this fair!?!?
Chewthecud it seriously is a real pain in the backside, as I said I think I need to get a new job
Double R - unfortunately you need to get another arguement other than the cheerleaders, maybe your coach should try sitting on the side of the field where most coaches sit instead of up on the roof!!!
Cuteness you are just getting a big GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!
HAHAHA maybe he was watching the cheerleaders as well. It was a cheap tactic.
But I will follow through on our bet, like the fine upstanding Gentleman that I am.
I can see a counter wager in the future though...
Does it look like I am scared of a bet!!! Hahaha
Bring on the stormers next
Wow that was profound.
Just for that I'll have that shirt in an extra small please and you will wear it out to everytime you do leave the house!!!
You can't change rules of the bet Missy :P
I'll wear it in public as I agreed... we never agreed on sizes !!!!
Yes, to see what size u would be wearing the CHEETAHS jersey.. at least show the same courtesy to find what size I will be wearing :)
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