PREPOST WORDS: (to Cuteness and Sweetpea....and every other awesome woman reading this...)
Just because no one has been fortunate enough to realise what a goldmine you are, doesn't mean you shine any less. Just because no one has been smart enough to figure out that you can't be topped, doesn't stop you from being the best. Just because no one has made this race worthwhile, doesn't give you permission to stop running!
Just because no one has realised how much of a woman you are, doesn't mean they can affect your femininity. Just because no one has shown up who can love you on your level, doesn't mean you have to sink to theirs! Just because you deserve the very best there is, doesn't mean that life is always fair
Just because God is still preparing your king, doesn't mean that you are not already a queen. Just because your situation doesn't seem to be progressing right now, doesn't mean you have to change a thing!
Keep shining, keep running, keep hoping, keep praying, keep being exactly what you already are...AN AWESOME WOMAN!!!!!!!!!!

Its amazing how just when you think that everything is going well.....one comment or incident changes all of that in a matter of seconds!I was at a function a while ago. At the dinner on the first night, a rather good looking member of the male species was introduced to me. In fact no, not rather good looking...F*cKing GORGEOUS! So we chat for a while and Tit thinks nothing of it coz lets face it....a god like that certainly dwells in a league nowhere near my own...
Imagine my surprise then when he does actually start showing interest and keeps stopping me to chat, and whips me around the dance floor like Fred Astaire (apparently thats some famous dancer).....AAAAAAH....The memory of it all.......
As luck would have it, Tit has to leave early to fetch Durban from the airport. So whilst cursing Durban for having to arrive on that night, and whilst preparing myself for the scolding i am about to get from Durban for being an hour late (disgusting i know....but you have to understand...this situation doesnt often...in fact...NEVA happens to me!), i pick my lip off the floor and head towards the exit.
Enter Movie Moment number 101: Walking up the escalator i get pulled around and lunged by God! Yes angels......lunged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Head in clouds for next 24 hours!
Next day of function and God is being super nice.....at dinner he continues earning major brownie points and just when I have started picturing the white picket fence, 2 dogs and 4 gorgeous kids we will have together, he drops the bombshell....that one little comment that proves that nobody can be that perfect!!!!!!!!HE IS INVOLVED.....HAS BEEN FOR YEARS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The usual comments follow: I dont want to be with this person.......I know its over.........But its such a comfort zone for me.......And i dont want to hurt her by ending things!When asked why he lunged he responds: "I felt really guilty after it but i knew i had to do it coz we had such a connection!"CONNECTION MY ASS..............
So as my dreams of a future very quickly disipate into nothingness i find myself thinking...Its always too good to be true!
Why then do i still find myself thinking that he will leave her for me and he wont do the same thing to me......Its all bullshit of course - people sadly cant change i dont think......But.....such is life........
And Cuteness, we are not doomed - we simply have to change our mindsets and start enjoying one night stands i think! Relationships are for the birds!!!
Yours in PMS/CBS blues Tit
P.S, Have a moan i know! Bygones though!!!!!! Bring on the tequilla!
well tit my love, u and i are clearly hanging around in the wrong places because i am assured that there are decent ones out there! maybe they hiding, or just terrified of Alex and Lola. a force that could probably scare old george bush into acts of peace!
lol - apparently thats some famous dancer - classic! ;)
Yup - if hes cheating on someone now he'll cheat on you later! I never wonder where all the good men have gone... no wait... ;P
Oh dear, what a prick! Really, what is the point of men, I ask myself this all the time?
Why is it that they just don't get it...the whole, monotonous thing, exclusive thing, I'm as good as you'll get thing...all these things that they know fack all about!
I say chop off his winky with a spoon! Wooden one for added splinters!
Ha ha ha ha ha!!!!! Bring on the wooden spoon!!!!
chewthecud.....were there ever any good men?????????
All the good guys are busy blogging ;P
Awww Tit, sorry angel - still luv ya though XX
Oh dear, I feel like PMS CBS is turning into a bit of an anti male venting forum, he he!
They not all that bad girls, think patience is the key. You know what they say about the fish in the sea! Think if you deliberately look for someone you will never find the right one but when you least expect it something special happens. Just have a tiny bit of faith girls. When the time is right the time is right, but when its not just go out and have an absolute blast!
Sorry Cuteness and Tit I just cant seem to switch this damn Dr Ruth off!!!!! How do I make her go away?
i have decided the famous saying is the way forward....
a woman needs a man like a fish needs a bicycle
I hate it when guys do that to girls. Lead them on and then drop an "actually, I'm kinda married" line. Makes me sick. Those okes are cowards. And they bed more women than the good guys. Bastards.
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