Thursday, October 11

I dont wanna go to school mom....

We all know joke about the principle who tells his mother he doesn't want to go to school and she says you have to dear etc. So recently the scenario in the Cuteness Household was this....

My brother introduced my moms to this online game and she has been playing it like it provides her with oxygen, as does my brother mind you. The other night she played until 3am (at some point in the evening The Don came through to "ask" her if she new what time it was and she told him to pretend he didn't know).
Now she is doesn't quite know much of the ins and outs of the game just yet and so runs around in the online gaming universe as the dumb blonde. Luckily some people think that it is pretty cool that a mom is playing this game (seen as the age of the players starts at about 10) and that her children are teaching her to play, so people are more than willing to help her out. The other night she played with a fellow South African, a rare thing, and they played until about 12pm. At which point my mom decided it was bedtime.

Mamma Cuteness: F**K its late (yes just like that, i learnt to swear from
my mother, as did my father actually).
I have to go to bed, have school in the morning.

Fellow SA Player: Oh Ok, what grade are you in?

Mamma Cuteness: Well actually I'm the Vice Principle

Fellow SA Player: You are the coolest lady....

Another insight into the woman that is my mother. She swore at her matrics AGAIN this week. No wonder they love her?! However I am not, my parents decided recently that perhaps doing some speed dating or the that type of vibe is a good idea for me! REALLY NOW?!?! Come on parents, please relax. I am no old maid or some baron 45 year old (altho barely coping with the 25 milestone!) Sigh... Exams have been a good distraction for them tho, (?) wrote my first one yesterday and my mother cried the entire day because of it, for reasons I am not going to explain, the people that read this know why anyway :)

Remain Infinitely Cute


La Sapphire Fliteur said...

Yeah listen you are only 25, definitely far too young to be worried about not being attached! Lots of men clawing their way through the clubs of Jozi,that you will be able to pick from :)

Her Infinite Cuteness said...

LSF i am far from worried about my single status! my parents think it is time, god knows why....

Very funny image of men leopard crawling their way around manhattan...

DaveRich said...

Haaaa hahahaha! Thats funny!

KaB said...

Your mom sounds like a ripper...go your mom! My mom is pretty kief city too...she also taught me how to swear & practically begs me to drink a bottle with her every night!

*Sigh* the apple doesn't fall far from the tree...

As for the single thing...bah humbug to that...who needs them now anyway?!?

__ said...

My mom used to complain if I played too late on the PC ... then she discovered Solitaire and Minesweeper (better than WoW at least - we have to be thankful for small mercies). The change in her tune was amazing.

As for being single, don't worry. Just wait for the baby-craving bomb to hit at 35, then you'll be desperate and not care who you pick :P

Her Infinite Cuteness said...

Kabs, true about the apple there, a little scary im not going to lie!!

Greendemon, better than WoW? have u played WoW?!?! hahaahaha if i get the 35 year old desperation, im going to a bank!