Friday, June 22

Conversations with Mamma Cuteness

There are times in every girls' life that they realise their mother is totally insane! Now i have known that my mother is insane for quite sometime. Although I cannot remember the exact moment I realised this. It could have been the time she threw a stool across the school hall and breaking it (did I mention it was a metal stool) because a student was rude. Luckily no one was injured in the incident, except the stool. Or it might have been the time she was dancing in the rain with her umbrella (closed) outside the Keg and Dolphin, singing Cuteness, cuteness,come here we are leaving! Luckily the mates I was with knew of my mother.... Or it could have been the time the phone rang and she sat down to answer it, and said "Hello" without actually picking up the phone?

Lately my mother has been rather less insane I guess one could say, due to certain instances not to be discussed, but over the last week, I have certain glitters of the good old Mamma Cuteness.

Last week Saturday Morning. Previous evening was spent at the infamous Maneater.

Mamma Cuteness: So what boyfriend did you meet last night?
now i have met everyone's boyfriends so this question was a little odd to me...
Cuteness: None mom.

Mamma Cuteness: (slams coffee cup) This is ridiculous!!!!!!!!! Its time you find a
boyfriend. I mean really! You know you are just like me. (hmmm)
You know how to flirt but you don't know how to come on to guys,
letting them know you like them. Its a complete miracle I married
your father, the poor man had to chase and chase. Didn't you The Don?

The Don: Yup.

Cuteness: So mom made you work hard hey dad?

The Don: Yup.
(The Don is a man of few words.)

Mamma Cuteness: I don't know what it is Cuteness but you don't have it. Doc has it, and
CT (oldest friend in the world) has it, but you just don't that certain

The Don: Mmmmmmmm that is true.

Mamma Cuteness: We are not saying you are unattractive, at all!! I just don't know
(right about now I am feeling like Rosie 0'Donnel before bypass surgery)

Then last night we went off to watch her school play. Was an enjoyable evening as we laughed as the boys dressed as girls swished their hips and flirted with the male actors....
Afterwards while saying bye to Mamma Cuteness she grabbed my arm and said I was not to leave because I had to meet the boy who played the captain in the play as she had told him he could marry me. Luckily as she rushed off to find my 17 year old future husband she got sidetracked and the meeting never happened.

Now I know that I am getting a bit older now, and that my mother has given up on Drug Dealer and Beers but seriously, a 17 year old? SERIOUSLY?!?!

Remain Infinitely Cute


DaveRich said...

Ha ha ha! Sounds about right to me! I was never a girl though. I seem to remember the chair thing too. But we had lots of chairs thrown at us in that school.

Her Infinite Cuteness said...

hahahah the chair was thrown in your day! Most of us dont discuss our catholic education in Boksburg... luckily i got out while still young. my mother is endlessly entertaining. u never saw her when she was marking!